Entries by Jason Pelish

5 Better Levels of Audience Engagement

Audience engagement is what marketers are working for. Audience engagement is what happens when a marketer connects effectively with the right people in their market, and gets them to do what the marketer needs. Getting audience engagement isn’t easy, it takes smart tactics for driving it, increasing it, and making it cost-effective. Often times there’s […]

The Improvement of Usability

Mi360 is a relational database system. This means modeling the real world as closely as possible and remaining adaptable for changes to meet future needs. We get a lot of value by creating reports from Mi360’s data, reports that yield usable conclusions. These reports give us the answers to complex marketing problems presented in the language […]

We switched up our website design – that’s news!

You may have noticed, if you’ve been to this site before, that we changed our website design. We use WordPress, and in theory theme changes in WordPress should be easy. Like any other WordPress site upgrade it was relatively painless, but not completely effort free.  When we changed the WordPress Theme we’re using it made […]